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US Citizenship Application – May I Take the Naturalization Test in My Native Language?

December 30, 2012

There are Two parts to naturalization test or “the Citizenship through naturalization” test. To be except from Part 1 for the English Language Requirement, you must be over 50 years of age and possess a green card for at least 20 years, or be over 55 years of age and possess a green card for at least 15 years. This will exempt you from Part 1 only and will not exempt you from the Civics exam.

After becoming exempt from part 1 you may take your naturalization test in your native language, but you must bring an interpreter with you to your interview.

The government will also give you special consideration if you are 65 years of age older and had been a green card holder for at least 20 years.

If you have questions regarding citizenship test, contact a US Immigration attorney at 917-885-2261.