Russian Speaking NY Immigration Lawyer

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Disaster Legal Services (DLS) For New York After SANDY

October 30, 2012

After hurricane Sandy, the Disaster Legal Services might be available for New York residents. Last year, after the hurricane Irene such services were provided. Under the contract with FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) such services will be coordinated by the ABA YLD representative in the district and local bar associations.

More information on Sandy is avaible at .

Further announcements will follow.


If you have any questions, contact ABA YLD Representative for the District of New York, ALENA SHAUTSOVA at 917-885-2261.


October 28, 2012

Author I-601 Waiver Lawyer Alena Shautsova

On October 26, 2012 the AAO held that that travel on advance parole is not a departure, and hence, a person who entered the country without inspection, and then left the country and came back on advance parole is allowed to adjust in the United States and does not need to file for a I-601 waiver.

You may read the revised AAO decision here.

If you have immigration concerns, consult a skilled

New York immigration lawyer at 917-885-2261  and find out about your options.

The Law Office of Alena Shautsova is an Immigration law firm serving clients in Brooklyn, New York City, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx and surrounding communities.

Политическое Убежище

October 25, 2012

Канада собирается изменить закон о беженцах: предлагаемые поправки ограничат круг стран из которых можно просить политическое убежище.  Канада планирует опубликовать список  таких ‘безопасных’ стран.

Мы лишь можем надеяться что изменения не повлияют на то как суды и органы США рассматривают прошения  о политическом убежище.

прочитать об изменениях канадского закона можно здесь.

Иммиграционный адвокат Елена Шевцова оказывает помощь при подачи заявлений на убежище, тел 917-885-2261.


Дискриминация Иммигрантов На Работе

October 24, 2012

Автор адвокат  Елена Шевцова


Казино Лас Вегаса пошло на мировое соглашение в иске где иммигранты утверждали, что подвергались дискриминации при приеме на работу. По условиям мирового соглашения Казино заплатит 49 тысяч долларов штрафа государству, и полностью покроет все убытки потерпевших.

Кроме того, казино обязалось не нарушать антидискриминационное законодательство и относится к иммигрантам также как и гражданам.

Суть иска состояла в том, что казино спрашивало у иммигрантов гораздо больше документов при приеме на работу чем у граждан тем самым проявляя предвзятость и нарушая закон.

Если Вы подверглись дискриминации на работе, звоните адвокату Елене Шевцовой 917-885-2261.


October 23, 2012

Be aware of phone scammers who pretend to be USCIS officials. They call you up and say they will sign you up for some courses when in reality they are fishing for your bank information.

You can read the announcement here .

“Recently, we were made aware of a new telephone scam where  individuals pretend to be USCIS employees and aggressively try to get you to sign up for a training course led by government officials. These scammers attempt to will pressure you to pay for this course and will ask you to disclose your financial information (i.e.-money order, credit card and bank account details) over the phone.

Do not give important personal or financial information over the phone to anyone you don’t know or contacts you unexpectedly. USCIS representatives will never call you and ask for money for training, products, or forms.
The official ways to communicate with USCIS are by:
  •  Visiting the official USCIS website at
  •  Scheduling an info pass appointment by visiting
  • Calling the National Customer Service Center at (800)375-5283


Remember, official government websites end in dot-gov (.gov), not dot-com (.com). “



Aurthor New York Immigration Lawyer


October 23, 2012

Author: Law Office of Alena Shautsova


Asylum process starts before a person’s submits his/or her application.

First, one needs to collect or try to collect the supporting documents. Those are the documents that an applicant can use to demonstrate the truth of his/her statements. It can be medical records, police records, articles from the local newspapers, affidavits from witnesses, letters; proof of membership in a particular group or political party, documents confirming activities in different organizations, and rallies, photos. The list of possible supporting documents is endless. If a person cannot present certain documents, but it is reasonable to expect such documents to exist, a person should provide an explanation as to why the documents are missing.  Documents should be translated into English, even newspaper articles. The translator needs to make a statement that she/he possess sufficient knowledge of English and X (other language) and under the penalty of perjury states that the translation is accurate and complete. Translator’s signature should be notarized.

Authentication of documents for Asylum

Ideally, the official documents issued by the governmental bodies of other countries should be authenticated. It means that they should have an apostile. However, in asylee/refugee situation very often it is unpractical and impossible to submit for an authentication a document that will be used against this government later. As such, an applicant may submit the documents as is, expecting however an objection from the government, which be taken towards the “weight” of that documents.

Filling out the Asylum Forms

This step is very important as success of the whole process will depend largely on its accuracy.  A person’s biographical information is the first part of the form I-589 (Available on the USCIS website). Family members, school attendance, jobs held, membership in different organizations, unions, etc.: nothing should be left out or misrepresented. It is very important to remember that children of asylees may receive derivative status if they were included in the application before they turn 21, even if subsequently they aged out. The forms should be filled out in English.

If you have immigration concerns, consult a skilled New York immigration lawyer at 917-885-2261  and find out about your options.

The Law Office of Alena Shautsova is an Immigration law firm serving clients in Brooklyn, New York City, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx and surrounding communities.


Immigration Hold (DETAINER) and Bond

October 21, 2012

Author: Law Office of Alena Shautsova

An Immigration hold is usually filed with the State or Federal prison when a detainee is a non- US citizen who is likely to be removed based on prior violations of Immigration laws, or as a result of a criminal conviction for which the person is in custody.

Nowadays, an Immigration hold is “put” on an immigrant within hours after the State or Federal prison assumes custody. It happens so fast because according to different immigration programs, as soon as the person’s fingerprints are processed, the ICE receives information regarding that person’s status and through its local agents prepares and files the hold.

What is an ICE HOLD or DETAINER?

An ICE hold is a document/order on forms I-247 or Form I-203 pursuant to which Federal or State facility should not release the person after the bail is placed or the person is released from the State or Federal custody, but should give the ICE 48 hours to assume the custody of the detainee.  It must be noted that Federal law 8 CFR 287.7 states which officials can issue detainers.

When a non US citizen is arrested, it is important to try to bail him out before the ICE detainer is filed. Why? Because in this situation, there is a great chance, that non-citizen will be free and avoid ICE detention and Immigration proceedings overall.

If this does not happen, and the detainer is filed, the strategy will depend on the facts of the case and the non-citizen’s prior immigration history. The main question to answer in such a case: if the non- citizen may be eligible for bond and not subject to expedited removal/reinstatement of removal? Would a family be able to answer this question: very unlikely. That is why family members should seek help of an Immigration attorney as fast as possible after they learn that their non- citizen loved one was arrested.  Important: the non-citizen must be instructed by his family/attorney not to sign any documents offered by the ICE prior to attorney’s review.

Very important: if a jail or prison continues to hold a non-citizen after the expiration of 48 hour period, the person might be entitled to damages under the Federal Tort Claims Act, and local law. You can check if local cases are similar to yours at


What to do if an individual is in Immigration custody? Then, an attorney should determine if the individual qualifies for an Immigration bond.  Depending on removal charges and the non-citizen’s case, it might be possible to ask a judge and/or DHS to release the person pending the immigration proceedings.

Sometimes the detainee has a court date already scheduled, in which case an attorney should bring two copies of the bond request with supporting documents to the Master hearing. Many times there is no court date scheduled, in which case an attorney should file the bond request with EOIR and also with DHS.

If you have immigration concerns, consult a skilled New York immigration lawyer  at 917-885-2261 and find out about your options.

The Law Office of Alena Shautsova is an Immigration law firm serving clients in Brooklyn, New York City, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx and surrounding communities.

Students Are Ordered to Self-Deport

October 13, 2012

Recent news from San Diego, CA regarding ICE raids against the students working as gypsy cab drivers proves that ICE takes seriously violations of INA and particular prohibition on work without authorizations.
The ICE officials searched the apartment building and approximately 40 students who were engaged in unauthorized employment were taken into custody, after which their visas were revoked and they were ordered to leave the country within 30 days.
You can read more on this here .

Unauthorized employment may lead to serious consequences, such as revocation of status, removal and inability to adjust status.

If you have immigration concerns, consult a skilled New Yorkimmigration lawyer and find out about your options.

The Law Office of Alena Shautsova is an Immigration law firm serving clients in Brooklyn, New York City, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx and surrounding communities.

Advance Parole Must be Asked in Advance

October 13, 2012

Advance Parole is a permission to return to the United States after trip abroad that is issued to a person who cannot obtain a visa or otherwise doesn’t qualify to be admitted to the country.

Advance Parole is typically  applied for by persons with TPS status, pending applications for adjustment of status, and now the DACA beneficiary.

To request an advance parole a person should file an application on form I-131 and wait got biometrics appointment. There is a fee associated with  the filing, which currently is $360.

The situation gets complicated when a person who needs an advance parole has already left the country. Generally, the document has to be filed by a person located in the United States.  It can be filed on behalf of somebody who is overseas, but the applicant should be located in the US. However, practice shows that in urgent circumstances, where severe hardship may result from person’s inability to come to the United States, a field DHS office may consider the request and help the applicant. It must be noted that in this situation, the parole is more likely to be granted as a Humanitarian parole, The situation gets complicated when a person who needs an advance parole has already left the country. Generally, the document has to be filed by a person located in the United States.  It can be filed on behalf of somebody who is overseas, but the applicant should be located in the US. However, practice shows that in urgent circumstances, where severe hardship may result from person’s inability to come to the United States, a field DHS office may consider the request and help the applicant. It must be noted that in this situation, the parole is more likely to be granted as a Humanitarian parole, which can be applied for by a person in or out of the country. To read more about Humanitarian Parole visit the USCIS page  .

If you have immigration concerns, consult a skilled New York immigration lawyer  and find out about your options.
The Law Office of Alena Shautsova is an Immigration law firm serving clients in Brooklyn, New York City, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx and surrounding communities.