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I-601A Provisional Waiver: How to File a Succesful Application

October 29, 2013

Author: I-601A Provisional Waiver attorney

According to the recent I601A provisional waiver statistics by the National Benefit Center From March 4 – September 14, 2013:

  • 23,949 applications received by Lockbox
    • 75% accepted for adjudication
    • 25% rejected
  • 5,892 applications adjudicated by NBC
    • 59% approved
    • 39% denied
    • 2% administratively closed
  • 2,292 applications denied by NBC
    • 48% denied due to “reason to believe” inadmissible on other ground
    • 41% denied due to failure to establish extreme hardship

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When ICE Agents’ Actions Can Cause Dismissal Of Immigration Charges?

October 22, 2013

When ICE Agents’ Actions Can Cause Dismissal Of Immigration Charges?

Author: Deportation attorney Alena Shautsova

How many of you think that ICE agents (Immigration and Custom Enforcement Agency) have power to do whatever they want? How many of you have heard stories that they come to a home at 5 am and search the premises and “pick up” illegal immigrants? How many of you think it is legal?

Well, the ICE officers can come to non-citizen’s home, but they still have to confirm their actions to the Constitutional norms and do not have a carte blanche to do whatever they want even if the non-citizen is an undocumented worker. This principal was one more time confirmed by the recent BIA decision in Matter of Ixpec-Chitay, 9/16/13.
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DHS Burden In Removal Proceeding

October 2, 2013

Possession of Controlled Substance: DHS Burden In Removal Proceeding

Author: Immigration Attorney Alena Shautsova

Removal proceeding is a government initiated procedure to “send” somebody who is not a citizen to their home country or the country designated by the government. The other name for these proceedings is exclusion or deportation proceedings (the name actually depends on the time when the proceedings were initiated, as the name has changed as the laws changed).

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Политическое Убежище: Часто Задаваемые Вопросы

September 21, 2013

Наиболее часто задаваемые вопросы по поводу убежища:

Автор Иммиграционный адвокат США Елена Шевцова

Что такое убежище?

Убежище – это статус, который, если он предоставлен, поможет получившему его обратиться за гринкартой в течение одного года пребывания в этом статусе. Убежище – это разрешение поменять страну вашей национальности и остаться в США, так как заявитель смог убедить американское правительство и судью, что в его родной стране ему будет плохо. Статус убежища позволит получившему его жить, работать в США, путешествовать за границу и возвращаться в США. Он также позволит вам обращаться за определёнными типами государственной поддержки (Medicaid, Food Stamps ит.д.)
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Как привезти супруга или супругу в США

September 13, 2013

Как привезти супруга или супругу в США

Автор: Иммиграционный адвокат  США Елена Шевцова
Американские Иммиграционные службы позволяют американскому гражданину подавать прошение относительно их супруга негражданина, на постоянное место жительство, и в конечном счете стать гражданином. Нужно отметить, что время ожидания для супруга американского гражданина, чтобы приобрести американское гражданство является одним из самых коротких в мире: три года с даты приобретения вида на жительство.
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What to do if employer hides your passport?

August 30, 2013

Author: New York Immigration attorney ALENA SHAUTSOVA

What to do if employer hides your passport?

Many undocumented workers have to be very careful and live in the constant fear of being  ”picked  up” by the ICE. That is why they are trying to stay “under the radar,” never complain to anyone about anything, and tolerate all sorts of abuse and crimes committed against them.

Unfortunately, some “employers” who would like to control an undocumented nanny or a domestic worker, scare her with “Immigration” and sometimes even take her identification documents, like a passport, and hide it.  What shall a nanny do in such a situation?
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Claiming US Citizenship

August 20, 2013

Claiming Us Citizenship: Consequences

Author: New York Deportation Attorney Alena Shautsova

Claiming US citizenship is one of the Immigration law offences which will make a non -citizen permanently inadmissible and on top of that may also cause criminal charges be filed against the person.

Immigration law waivers may waive a variety of immigration law violations, including waiving consequences of certain criminal offences. However, there is a provision in Immigration and Nationality Act, that makes a claim of US citizenship to be a permanent and inexcusable immigration law offense which caused inadmissibility and/or deportation.

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Waivers Of Inadmissibility

August 16, 2013

Waivers Of Inadmissibility: Permission to Come or Stay in the US

Author: New York Immigration attorney Alena Shautsova

Waivers of inadmissibility are applications that should be submitted to USCIS in order to perceive a permission to come or stay in the US after the violation of Immigration laws. There are different kinds of waivers for different kinds of violations. For example, some waiver, if granted, excuse the existence of criminal convictions; some excuse immigration misrepresentation/fraud; some excuse unlawful presence; etc.

All waivers can be divided into two big category: those that waive some condition with an immigrant visa/permanent residency application; and those that waive a condition for a non-immigrant visa application.
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I -601A Provisional Waiver Filing Mistakes

August 8, 2013

Author: New York Immigration Attorney Alena Shautsova

I- 601A Provisional Waiver

In March, 2013 USCIS started to accept applications for I- 601A Provisional waiver that can be used by certain immediate relatives of the US citizen to waive unlawful presence bar during the green card process.

The I-601A provisional waiver is likely to be utilized by spouses of the US citizens who entered the country illegally. Such spouses may not adjust their status in the US and have to leave the country to get an immigrant visa.

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Fiance Visa For Same Sex Couples

July 28, 2013

US Visa For Same Sex Couples

Author: New York Immigration attorney Alena Shautsova

In a Same Sex Couples Fiance US Visas related decision the U.S. Supreme court in United States v. Windsor, 133 S.ct. 2675,2695-96 (2013) held that section 3 of the DOMA is unconstitutional as a violation of the constitutional guarantees of equal protection and due process. See United States v. Windsor, 133 S. Ct. 2675, 2695-96 (2013).

In addition, the BIA in its decision Matter of Zeleniak, 26 I&N Dec. 158 (July 13, BIA 2013) held that:
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