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Family Immigration and Immigration Reform

April 29, 2013

Family Immigration and Immigration Reform

Author: New York Immigration lawyer Alena Shautsova

Many immigrants are in suspense as to how new immigration laws will impact their status and pending immigration petitions. In particular, petitions filed on behalf of siblings, as the draft of the Immigration reform bill eliminates this category.

Although it is impossible to say at this point what exactly is going to happen with F 4 category, as the Bill is not the law yet, most likely, the petitions filed prior to the reform will be adjudicated.

At the same time, the new laws on family Immigration and Immigration reform are planning to allow for “fast” immigration for spouses and children of the US permanent residents, who currently have to wait for 2.5 years in order to unite with their families.

In addition, the new bill is seeking to eliminate the immigration backlog in general and provide for revenues like provisional residency for those who cannot adjust their status to one of permanent resident any other way.

To learn more about the Immigration Reform call attorney Alena Shautsova


Category: USCIS