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Адвокат По Трудовому Праву

November 14, 2012

Автор: Адвокат по трудовому праву Alena Shautsova

Закон штата Нью-Йорк предусматривает обязанность работодателя платить сверхурочные home attendants работающим в ночную смену.  Однако, многие агентства не платят работникам за работу в ночную смену. Например, работник начинает смену в 8 00 утра в среду и заканчивает в 8 00 утра в воскресенье, но получает оплату только за дневные часы.

В такой ситуации работник имеет право в судебном порядке добиться компенсации за неоплаченное время в несколько раз больше, чем ему не заплатили.

Для получения компенсации важным является лицо, которое наняло работника : агентство или непосредственно человек у которого Вы работаете; а также непосредственные обязанности которые Вы выполняете.


Вопросы можете задать адвокату по трудовому праву Елене Шевцовой (Alena Shautsova), тел. 917-885-2261.


New York Volunteer Attorneys For SANDY Hotline

November 13, 2012



To register as a volunteer for SANDY  hotline  800-699-5636 please submit your information to Eva Valentin-Espinal at .

Make sure to fill out the form.

IMPORTANT: to volunteer under the FEMA / ABA YLD umbrella, an attorney is not required to have a malpractice insurance, however, it is desirable to have one as FEMA will not cover malpractice resulted from the pro-bono/volunteer legal services.

Author: ABA YLD District Representative for New York, Alena Shautsova

NCBA Superstorm Sandy Recovery Efforts

November 10, 2012

Nassau Caounty Bar Association asnnounces its efforts to assist Sandy’s victims:

“Superstorm Sandy has brought unparalleled destruction to Nassau County, and the Nassau County Bar Association is quickly mobilizing to take action and make a difference in the lives of the affected residents in our community.

To help our members better serving victims of Superstorm Sandy, the Nassau County Bar Association has compiled an online list of emergency information and important resources with links to web sites for the latest information. To include additional resources in this list, please email the webpage URL to

NCBA is hosting a series of free Superstorm Sandy Recovery Legal Consultation Clinics to help Nassau residents. The first two are scheduled for November 19 and November 26, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 3-7 p.m. at Domus. Volunteers are needed in many areas, including insurance claims, FEMA assistance, debt, bankruptcy, consumer protection, landlord/tenant, mortgage foreclosure, health/disability/stress and ADR. The New York State Bar Association, New York City Bar Association, and the New York Legal Assistance Group have scheduled training sessions – available both online and to be viewed at Domus – for attorneys wishing to volunteer. To volunteer please email

Volunteers are also needed to staff the New York State Bar Association Superstorm Sandy legal hotline. Attorneys wishing to volunteer can visit or call 518-463-3200.

We appreciate the tremendous efforts our members make to help those in this unprecedented time of need. We will keep you updated on the latest news, or check our website,”

Russian Gay Artist Granted Asylum In The US

November 8, 2012

Author: New York Asylum Lawyer Alena Shautsova

A Russian gay artist Alexander Kargaltsev,  a recent  US asylee,  fled his motherland where  he was beaten and persecuted based solely on his sexual orientation. He was detained and abused there just because he participated in gay pride events.

His new life in the United States allows Alexander  to live  without a fear. He just opened an exhibition called “Asylum” that portrays gay and bisexual men, asylum seekers or those who already were granted the status.

The exhibition symbolises a new beginning an asylum seeker starts when deciding to expose his/her fears and step forward to the world asking for protection.

The gallery that is hosting the exhibition is 287 Spring .

Temporary Suspension and Modification of Statutory Provisions by COUMO

November 6, 2012

IMPORTANT: Governor COUMO temporarily suspend specific provisions of any statute, local law, ordinance, orders, rules or regulations, or parts thereof, of any agency during a State disaster emergency, if compliance with such provisions would prevent, hinder or delay action necessary to cope with the disaster for the period from the date of the Executive Order  (Ocotber 26, 2012) until further notice.

You may read the full text of the Executive Order here:

Alena Shautsova


November 4, 2012

Author NY Immigration Lawyer Alena Shautsova

We are glad to announce our recent success in securing ad advance parole for an El Salvadorian citizen. Mr. Costa (we changed the real name) was granted a TPS status in the United States many years ago. However, this past June he had to urgently travel to El Salvador to care for his sick relative. He took his 7 years old son, a US citizen, with him. What he failed to realize when leaving the country, is that his advance parole document had expired.

The relative felt better, and Mr. Costa was ready to go back to the United States, especially because his little son was supposed to start new school year. However, without an Advance Parole, he could not travel. Mr. Costa hired one attorney who filed a letter request with a USCIS field office back in early September. Then, he hired another attorney who filed for I-131 for him, but failed to explain the urgency of the situation.

Finally, his family came to my office. Immediately, we contacted Mr. Costa’s son’s school and requested a letter explaining that the boy will lose the school place if he is not back in the US shortly. We also contacted local church where Mr. Costa used to go and asked for letters of support. We contacted all members of his family who were willing to vouch for him and provide letters of support. Within hours we submitted our request to expedite Mr. Costa’s advance parole with National Benefit Center, local Service Center, El Salvadorian field Office, US Embassy in El Salvador, and requested assistance from the AILA.

Upon receipt of our request, the Local field Office immediately decided to help Mr. Costa and scheduled an expedited appointment for his biometrics and a week later Mr. Costa was able to receive his document and travel back to the United States.

Where there is a Will, there is a Way!


If you have immigration concerns, consult a skilled New York immigration lawyer at 917-885-2261  and find out about your options.

The Law Office of Alena Shautsova is an Immigration law firm serving clients in Brooklyn, New York City, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx and surrounding communities.

Бесплатная Правовая Помощь Пострадавшим От СЭНДИ

October 31, 2012

Провавая помощь пострадавшим от Сэнди будет оказываться малоимущим гражданам  в области:  иммиграции, старахового и налогового права, гражданского права.

Обращайтесь с вопросами к Елене Шевцовой 917-885-2261

Disaster Legal Services (DLS) For New York After SANDY

October 30, 2012

After hurricane Sandy, the Disaster Legal Services might be available for New York residents. Last year, after the hurricane Irene such services were provided. Under the contract with FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) such services will be coordinated by the ABA YLD representative in the district and local bar associations.

More information on Sandy is avaible at .

Further announcements will follow.


If you have any questions, contact ABA YLD Representative for the District of New York, ALENA SHAUTSOVA at 917-885-2261.


October 28, 2012

Author I-601 Waiver Lawyer Alena Shautsova

On October 26, 2012 the AAO held that that travel on advance parole is not a departure, and hence, a person who entered the country without inspection, and then left the country and came back on advance parole is allowed to adjust in the United States and does not need to file for a I-601 waiver.

You may read the revised AAO decision here.

If you have immigration concerns, consult a skilled

New York immigration lawyer at 917-885-2261  and find out about your options.

The Law Office of Alena Shautsova is an Immigration law firm serving clients in Brooklyn, New York City, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx and surrounding communities.

Политическое Убежище

October 25, 2012

Канада собирается изменить закон о беженцах: предлагаемые поправки ограничат круг стран из которых можно просить политическое убежище.  Канада планирует опубликовать список  таких ‘безопасных’ стран.

Мы лишь можем надеяться что изменения не повлияют на то как суды и органы США рассматривают прошения  о политическом убежище.

прочитать об изменениях канадского закона можно здесь.

Иммиграционный адвокат Елена Шевцова оказывает помощь при подачи заявлений на убежище, тел 917-885-2261.