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Crime of Moral Turpitude in Immigration Court and Record of Conviction

February 25, 2014

Author: Criminal Immigration attorney Alena Shautsova

Crime of Moral Turpitude in Immigration Court and Record of Conviction

Conviction of crime of moral turpitude may cause a permanent resident to be deportable if committed within 5 years from the date of admission.  (Date of admission is the date when an alien was admitted to the US or paroled, but does not restart when an immigrant adjusts his or her status as per Matter of ALYAZJI, 25 I&N Dec. 397 (BIA 2011)).

However, what a crime of moral turpitude is, is decided in almost every case separately. Why? Because the term of “crime of moral turpitude” is a term of art.  The Immigration and Nationality act does not provide a definition to it, and courts look at the conviction to determine whether  a particular offense falls under the category of a CMIT.

In doing so, the courts follow the following analysis: first, they look at whether the statute a person was convicted of is divisible or not divisible. A statute is not divisible when it describes only one way to commit a crime. If the statute sets out a list of alternative ways to commit the crime, and where some of these “sub-violations” categorically meet the federal standard while others do not necessarily meet this federal standard, then the statute is divisible.  A statute categorically meets federal standard when every violation of a particular criminal statute meets the generic federal definition.

If a non divisible State statute mimics the Federal definition, there is no reason to look at the record of conviction: the person will be found guilty of crime of moral turpitude for Immigration purposes. If not, the State statue includes acts that will not be punished under the Federal law, then the person will be “off” federal hook for Immigration purposes.

As for divisible statute: most likely the court will look at the record of conviction, which consists of criminal charge, the plea agreement, and any plea or sentencing colloquy. The record of conviction does not include arrest reports, the pre-sentence investigation, the testimony of witnesses, etc. Shepard v. U.S., 544 U.S. 13 (2005); U.S. v. Kovac, 367 F.3d 1116, 1120 (9th Cir. 2004).

In addition, currently, in several Circuits the courts are permitted to look beyond the record of conviction to see if the person committed a CMIT under the Matter of Silva-Trevino.  This might present a problem for an immigrant who, essentially, will have to be re-tried in Immigration court for the same conduct he was tried in criminal court in. The court may look at any necessary and appropriate evidence to determine whether the foreign national’s conduct did, in fact, involve moral turpitude.

If you have questions regarding Immigration court proceedings, call office of Alena Shautsova 917-885-2261.

March 2014 Visa Bulletin is Here

February 8, 2014

Visa Bulletin provides schedule for Immigrant visas for family and employment based immigration. The US government establishes a number of categories for immigrant visas and a certain number of immigrant visas available for each category. As a result, there is a wait time for people in each category to get their immigrant visa, except for those who qualify as intimidate relatives of US citizens (spouses, parents and children under 21  years old).

Each month the Department of State updates Visa Bulletin with current state of the wait time.

You may view the Visa Bulletin for March 2014 here.


January 27, 2014


Author: New York Immigration attorney Alena Shautsova

According to the laws of the US, when an employer is hiring an employee, the employee must fill out I-9 form: this form helps an employer to determine if the potential employee has a proper employment authorization and may accept employment in the US. The form consists of simple questions and check boxes and one of those check boxes asks the filler to answer if he/she is a US citizen or US national. Of course, answering YES or checking off this box will mean that the person who is filling out the form has the proper documentation to work in the US.

Many immigrants without employment authorization are tempted to check off that little square “Citizen or National of the US.” However, many of them ignore the drastic consequences.

This happened in the case of  Nyabwari. She entered the US on a visa, overstayed it, and later married a US citizen. She though she would have no problem receiving her green card. Indeed, many with the same situations can got citizenship.

However, the government learned that at some point in time, while in the US, Mrs. Nyabwari was working illegally, and to make the situation worse, the government discovered that Mrs. Nyabwari submitted form I-9 to her employer stating she was a US citizen or US national.

Mrs. Nyabwari’s explanation that she did not understand who the national was, did not help her. Both,  Immigration judge and the Board of Immigration Appeals said that checking  off that one box caused Mrs. Nyabwari to be PERMANENTLY inadmissible into the US, as this was a violation of the US laws for which there is no waiver.

The end of Mrs. Nyabwari’s immigration saga is very sad: she will likely to have to leave the country permanently or to stay in the US illegally forever. This serves as a great lesson: if you in doubt, you must consult an attorney to avoid “deporting” yourself before your time.



Do I need a lawyer?

January 22, 2014

Do I need a lawyer?

I would like to share these stories with my audience in hope to answer  one of the most popular questions potential clients are asking themselves: do I need a lawyer?I met these two clients recently. Two of them have very different stories, but both have one thing in common: they both tried to handle their legal issues themselves.

The first client is a teenage boy who came to the US on a student visa from Russia. He is enrolled in high school, and recently together with his friend was accused of shoplifting. Instead of contacting an attorney, he decided that he did not want to inform his parents in Russia about “the situation” and decided to go to court himself. He was provided a free attorney. Now, I do not want to make any assumptions about legal aid attorneys, but this particular one, for some reason decided that my client did not deserve zealous representation and simply told him to plead guilty. The eighteen years old with no prior convictions, plead guilty to a crime of moral turpitude when he was not even the one caught with the merchandise. Even the prosecutor was in shock and reduced the charge to disorderly conduct, which is still a misdemeanor under the Immigration law.  The free attorney also advised that my client that his visa will be revoked and he would  never come to the US again.

Needless to say that the advice was incorrect. I only regret that the boy did not contact us earlier so we could have helped him to avoid having any record at all.

The second client is from one of the countries of former Soviet Union. He came to ask for help because local police refused to accept his crime report. This client was a victim of domestic violence and extortion: his former family member stole his immigration documents and refused to give them back unless my client payed him several thousand dollars.  So, what do you think happened in the police precinct when my client decided to file a report? He was accused by the detectives of alleged immigration fraud! This was a clear case of profiling. I was so upset for the client and the police’s actions, that I had to go to the police precinct and after two hours of arguing with the whole precinct, the report was finally filed. I must say with regret, that no person who is not an attorney would be able to make those officers to accept the report. I do not know if we will be able to persuade the officers to investigate the reported crime, but at least my client has a copy of the report which will help him to restore his stolen documents.

I hope these examples will help you to answer that question I posed at the beginning of this post.


Prepare for Your Travel to the USA

January 13, 2014

Prepare for Your Travel to the USA

Author: US Visa Attorney Alena Shautsova

How one can prepare for travel to the US? What do one need to come to the US and be admitted without issues at the border?

First of all, one must be in possession of an unexpired passport that would expire only 6 months after the intended departure from the US. If you travel with a visa, a consulate would not stamp your passport if its expire date is sooner than 6 months from the date of the intended departure. If you come on ESTA program, make sure your passport has enough validity period not to cause problems at the border.

Second, if your name in the passport is different than your name on your green card, you should have a copy of better an original of the marriage certificate showing the name change. If the name change happened as a result of court order, you should have a copy of the order with you.

Third, a valid visa is a must of course. A visa sticker and time one may be present in the US are two different things. The dates on the visa itself show only the period of time within which a person may enter the US, but it is up to the CBP officer and the type of visa one holds that would determine how long one may stay in the US. For example, a B1/B2 visa may be valid for 2 years: it means one may enter the US within this 2 years period. But the B1/2 visa allows its holder to stay in the country for no longer than 6 months at a time (provided no extension is requested).

Lastly, if a person who is coming to the US is not a green card holder, he/she will be assigned an I 94 number. Due to resent changes, the I 94 number will not longer be provided on a paper card. It is all done electronically now. One must print it out before leaving the US though, or will have to submit a FOIA request to retrieve that number after departure. Please see this page about I-94 new procedure.

If your green card expired and you need to travel to the US, visit our page for more information:

For more information: call law office of Alena Shautsova at 917-885-2261

I 601A Waiver New Procedure

December 29, 2013

I 601A Waiver New Procedure

Author: New York Immigration Waiver Attorney Alena Shautsova

I 601A waiver is an immigration waiver which allows certain immediate relative of the US citizen to avoid prolonged separation with their families while they are applying for green cards. The waiver helps those who cannot adjust their  status in the US due to coming to the country illegally.

Until recently, an I 601A waiver applicant would have to inform the National Visa Center or consulate about his/her intent of applying for the waiver,  and the NVC would hold on on scheduling the visa appointment for the waiver applicant until the waiver is adjudicated.

However, recently the USCIS changed the procedure. The NVC will accept only the notifications of waiver filing from the USCIS. In addition, if the applicant informed the NVC of intent to file the waiver but failed to do so within six months, the NVC will forward the case to the consular post for the interview.

This should be taken into consideration by practitioners and applicants. In case the applicant receives a notification that his/her interview has been scheduled, he/she should contact the consulate immediately and inform about the intent to file for the waiver and ask for the interview to be cancelled.

If you have questions regarding Immigration Waiver procedure or qualifications, call New York Immigration attorney Alena Shautsova at 917-885-2261.



Visa Bulletin

December 13, 2013

logoVisa Bulletin

Author: New York Immigration attorney Alena Shautsova

January 2014 Visa Bulletin is here.

F2A category (children and spouses  of permanent residents) priority date is September, 2013; EB3 category for skilled workers priority date is April, 2012.

Family Based:

Family-SponsoredAll Charge -ability Areas Except Those ListedCHINA- mainland bornINDIAMEXICOPHILIPPINES

Employment Based:

Employment- BasedAll Chargeability Areas Except Those ListedCHINA- mainland bornINDIAMEXICOPHILIPPINES
Other Workers01APR1201APR1201SEP0301APR1215FEB07
Certain Religious WorkersCCCCC
Employment Areas/
Regional Centers and Pilot Programs

Asylum Interview Notes Must be Disclosed

December 6, 2013

Author: Asylum Attorney Alena Shautsova

Asylum Officers will have to share their notes they take at the time of the interview pursuant to valid FOIA requests.

The first step in asylum process in the US, is an interview with an asylum officer. During the interview, the officer decides if the applicant is credible, and if his/her story is consistent and truthful.  The officer takes notes at the time of the interview and often those notes determine the future of the applicant’s case.

The issue is that up until Martins v. USCIS lawsuit, the officers refused to share the notes with the applicant, and as such, the applicant had no opportunity to challenge officer’s determinations and conclusions.

Under the settlement agreement reached in Martins, USCIS must instruct all officers, employees, and agents involved in the processing of FOIA requests that asylum officer interview notes – the records reflecting information, instructions, and questions asked by officers and responses given by applicants in asylum interviews – are not by their nature and status protected by the deliberative process privilege as a general matter and thus are to be produced under FOIA. This training must be completed within three months of the settlement agreement. USCIS must demonstrate its compliance to the court with the settlement after 3 months.

It should add transparency to the asylum interview process and strengthen the due process rights of the applicants.

If you believe you need assistance with the asylum process, call law office of Alena Shautsova, US Asylum attorney 917-885-2261.


November 21, 2013


Who is eligible?

Spouses, Children and Parents of

  • Active duty Members of the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Individuals in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve
  • Individuals previously served in the U.S. Armed Forces or Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve

The eligible individuals should not have criminal convictions and should submit the following documents:

  • Application for Parole on USCIS form I 131
  • Evidence of the family relationship
  • Evidence of the family member  belongs to the eligible group of the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Evidence of the additional favorable factors

Call Alena Shautsova, New York Immigration lawyer to get FREE PHONE CONSULTATION REGARDING PAROLE IN PLACE RELIEF: 917-885-2261

Green Card Through Marriage

November 10, 2013

US Green Card Through Marriage

Author: Green Card lawyer Alena Shautsova

One of the ways of obtaining a US permanent resident status, or green card is through marriage to a US citizen or a US permanent resident. There are significant differences in process and eligibility for the person seeking the status depending on the status of the spouse.

1. A potential immigrant is marrying  a US citizen

In this case scenario, most of the times, to obtain a green card, the immigrant has to

a. Enter the country (US) legally (pursuant to a visa or advance parole)
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