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Ineffective Assistance of Counsel in Immigration Proceedings

March 21, 2016

Ineffective Assistance of Counsel in Immigration Proceedings

Author: New York Immigration Lawyer Alena Shautsova

A person who is hiring an attorney for representation should be able to rely on that attorney’s advice, skills and knowledge. Unfortunately, sometimes lawyers make mistakes. They might undertake a case they lack necessary skills or knowledge to handle, they might give a wrong advice or they might misinform the client or fail to file an important document or check an important information. For example, due to an attorney’s failure to check client’s previous Immigration history might cause removal proceedings to be initiated against the client; failure to submit all necessary documents with a motion may cause a denial…

Such failures hurt clients and hurt justice. The law recognizes this and sometimes, a clients is given a second chance when he/she is using “ineffective assistance of counsel” to reverse a negative decision, be it a removal, denial of motion to removal, or a removal order issued in absentia.

In Immigration proceedings, to prior to using “ineffective assistance of counsel” defense or cause, a person has to comply (or substantially comply) with the requirements specified in a case called Matter of Lozada, BIA 3059 (1988). Substantially, a person seeking to reverse a negative decision, has to file a grievance complaint against his/her previous lawyer, and present its copy before the Board of Immigration Appeals or Immigration court. As everything and anything in law is subject of a dispute, so is the “compliance” with the requirements. That is why a lawyer’s assistance is needed even if one would like to complain about a previous lawyer, because if the “complaint” is done incorrectly, it will not have the necessary legal effect.






How to Avoid Mistakes While Representing Yourself in Immigration Court

March 3, 2016

How to Avoid Mistakes While Representing Yourself in Immigration Court

Author: New York Immigration lawyer

You ended up in Immigration court and do not know what to do…

The easy answer to this situation would be “hire an attorney!”, but sometimes an individual cannot afford an attorney, or believes that the first portion of a case can be done pro-se to reduce attorney’s fees.

First, if you cannot afford an attorney, try your best to find a low-bono or a pro-bono one. Some non-for profit organizations are offering free legal services, and local bar associations cab direct you to the pro-bono lawyers in the area. Also, law schools have legal clinics that take different type of matters and can help you as well.

However, if you are “stuck” by yourself, here are some tips.

  1. Stay away from FRAUD. As tempting as it can sound, or as persuasive as an “uncle” promised it to be, lying on Immigration applications and in Immigration court is never a good idea. It does not mean that you cannot advocate on your own behalf, explaining the impact of certain events and providing your point of view and research, let’s say, on country conditions. But, stating something that you know is not true, for purpose of obtaining Immigration benefits will make you permanently inadmissible into the United States.
  2. Read available memos, cases and practices and procedures. It is not easy, but it is not a rocket science. Start with the Immigration Practice Manual which outlines the basics of Immigration court procedures. Some non-for –profits publish excellent resources on various topics, such as U visas, VAWA, asylum, Cancellation or Removal… Those resources are available on Google and are free!
  3. Another common error encountered when dealing with former pro- se clients, is that they give too much information in there affidavits in support of their claims (If they submit one to begin with). The old saying, keep it simple goes a long way for affidavits. Focus on the reason you are writing the affidavit: if it is submitted, to prove a bona fide marriage write about your relationship and how it developed. It is always better to be concise and allow for later expansion of your testimony.
  4. At last, remember that each and every word is transcribed. Speak clearly and think before answering questions. Refrain from any type of vulgarity, and show respect to the judge who ultimately decides whether or not you are going to stay in the U.S, and the prosecutor. When you speak before the court, or to the prosecutor, your words have value. Trying to exemplify your knowledge of the English language is helpful at times to show the Judge you have a desire to learn the language of the country, but if you are not sure of the definitions of your words you are using, refrain from using them. One such example, is the word “moot”: the definition of the word in the Webster’s dictionary differs significantly from the meaning the courts give to this word, and without knowing it, one may misunderstand the entire proceedings.

And now, some practical tips:


  1. When you use ASYLUM as defense from removal, after you are asked to designate a country to be removed to in the event of denial of your case, you should respectfully decline to do so. The idea is that there is no country in the world where you feel safe, and hence, you do not wish to be removed to any country.
  2. Make sure your documents are filed on time, preferably before the deadline or a “call up date”.
  3. Check the status of your fingerprints: if possible, ask to expedite the clearance, and make sure nothing on your end is holding up the process.
  4. If you filed your asylum application with the Court and not USCIS, you must follow special procedure for ordering your own fingerprints by filing first three pages of I-589, and a copy of the instructions with USCIS. This is the only time fingerprints are not automatically ordered for you, but without this clearance, your application for asylum with the Immigration court might be denied.

How to Bring Your Brother or Sister to the USA

February 14, 2016

How to Bring Your Brother or Sister to the USA


Author: New York Immigration Lawyer Alena Shautsova

A petition for a sibling to come to the US is something many wish to do. The process starts with filing of the I-130 petition for a relative. Unlike a marriage to a US citizen, or a child who is over 21 years of age petitioning for their parents, a sibling is not considered an immediate relative. Conservatives have tried to eliminate this category in the past, but so far their efforts were not successful. The average wait time for a petition of a sibling by a US citizen ranges from 7 to 12 years. The line moves on a first-come- first serve basis. As such, the sooner petition is filed, the sooner the priority date will become current (if, of course, 10 years can be regarded fast…).

The petitioning of a sibling does come with some drawbacks, worst of which is that your sibling will most likely not be able to enter the US on a nonimmigrant visa, whether for tourism or business, once the petition is filed. The reason for this is that once the petition is filed, your sibling is considered an intending immigrant. It is so even if the true purpose of the visit is to spend a couple of weeks in the U.S. One should discuss with a sibling the possibility of not being able to enter the U.S. for a period of at least 7 years.

Prior to filing, a person has to read instructions to the I-130 form. The filing address for the I-130 depends on which state the petitioner resides in. A list of required documents includes:

  1. Certificate of Naturalization, if applicable, for the US Citizen
  2. Birth Certificates for both US Citizen and sibling showing at least one common parent
  3. Adoption papers if either sibling was adopted ( both siblings must have been under 16 years of age)

For siblings with the same father but different mothers, USCIS requires marriage certificates and divorce decrees of the father. It is more common nowadays that this is impossible to obtain such documents as the father of a sibling may have never been married to the mother. In this circumstance, evidence of legitimacy or proof of relationship with the father will suffice. The easiest way to prove this would be to submit financial records if a father had given money to the sibling or the US Citizen. If this is not possible to obtain, one should speak with an experienced attorney to discuss the options available to prove the relationship to the common father.




January 30, 2016

Motion to Change/Transfer Venue in Immigration Court

Author: New York Immigration Attorney Alena Shautsova

In my practice, quite often I receive a phone call with the following content: “Hello, my name is so and so, my nephew/husband/family friend is in detention in Texas, Virginia, New Jersey… I want the person to be released and be allowed to see an Immigration Judge in New York, where he/she lives/intends to live…”  I say “O’K, let’s see what we can do..” Then, I meet with the calling party and find out the details. Often, the scenario that I have to deal with is that a person was crossing the border, or recently crossed the border and was apprehended by the ICE enforcement. Often, the detained person is very young. But what unites all these calls, is that the person would be detained in a state other than New York,  but  it is New York where the person’s family and friends reside.

In such a situation, I as a practitioner have to file two motions. First, is a motion for re-determination of the bond consideration so that my client will be released from the ICE custody. (I will address this type of application in a separate blog).

And second, I have to file a motion to change venue of the proceedings, unless my client would like to travel back to TX, VA or MD for his/her future court hearings (which is not the case, of course).

1. When To File For Change of Venue and Why

One should file for change of venue of the proceedings as early as possible. In most cases, a person is being put in removal proceedings within the jurisdiction of the court where the person was detained. For example, J. crossed the border in TX and was apprehend. Even though J intended to reside in NY, and in NY J has all his family members, his court proceedings will be started in TX.  It means that if released from custody, J will have to travel to TX for each and every hearing and J’s witnesses, if any will have to travel to TX as well. Of course, it may not be practical or possible for the witnesses to travel, as well as for J. That is why, as soon as an attorney is retained, and attorney is advised that J can be released to his/her family members in a different state, attorney should file motion to change venue.  It is important to act as quickly as possible: the longer local DHS counsel will be involved in the J’s case, the more reluctant the DHS counsel will be to lose the case from his/her desk. As such, the DHS counsel will have a valid argument that the government will be prejudiced if the motion to change venue is filed late in case.

2. What Needs to be Submitted to Court to Show that there is Good Cause for Change of Venue

In order for the motion to be granted, the moving party has to demonstrate that a good cause exists. Usually, I submit: the motion itself (it is my affirmation describing the facts under which the request should be granted); an affidavit from my client; affidavits from friends and family explaining the ties my client has with the venue where we would like the case to be moved; etc. Under the current regulations, a request to change venue should be accompanied with the written pleadings to the allegations in the Notice to Appear.  Like any other motion, motion to change venue should contain a proposed order and proof of service on DHS.  It is also a good idea  to submit a draft of the application the client will be submitting with the court to demonstrate that client has a potential relief from removal.

3. What to do if the Motion is Denied

Even through that many view motions to change venue as trivial, sometimes they do get denied. In this case, a person has a couple of options. One may appeal the denial, or renew his/her request with the Court. Often, in the denial decision, the Court would “give a hint” as to what additional information it would like to see before granting the request. Often, a denial is a result of poor preparation, and with a little more effort, a request to change venue is granted.


January 18, 2016


Author: New York Immigration attorney Alena Shautsova

Once an Immigrant petition is approved, the NVC receives the file and acts as middle man between the petitioner and the consulate. It collects the fees, documents and more information before it schedules an interview for the visa applicant. The NVC process in itself can be quite frustrating, and not only for those petitioners and applicants who do not have an attorney. The Q&A below intend to help pro-se petitioners with the process.


  1. Why and how NVC terminates the petition?

The termination process is only entered after the priority date becomes current. A notice is given to applicants explaining that if the NVC does not hear from a representative of the case for a period of one year the case will be terminated and the individual will be required to resubmit the case again with additional filing fees, if applicable. However, the period of one year only starts after the priority date becomes current.

  1. How can I know if an approved I-130 is still valid?

Here, it is wise to have an attorney, because attorneys have a special way to communicate with the NVC: When determining whether or not an I-130 is still valid after being sent to the NVC the fastest way to do so is by emailing or by calling the NVC directly.

If a response is not procured within 15 days after sending an email to you may send a second follow up email. If after an additional 15 days you still do not receive a response you may send a third follow email with subject line “Attention PI Supervisor,” the supervisor will then respond within 5-7 business days.

  1. NVC collected the documents and did not mention about any issues, but the visa was denied, why?

When discussing a Nonimmigrant Visa, the NVC is authorized to answer questions regarding the general NIV application process, status of the application, whether or not the case was refused or requires additional information. The NVC cannot advise an applicant if they are eligible for a specific nonimmigrant visa.

  1. I had to submit an I 601A waiver. The decision on the waiver takes a long time. Will my petition be terminated?

When waiting for an I-601A response from USCIS the one year termination process will no longer be in effect. If you receive a letter stating the I-130 application has been terminated while I-601A waiver is pending, contact an attorney immediately or NVC directly to resolve the situation.

  1. Do I have to file with the NVC a letter from employer to show my current income?

When submitting an I-864 Affidavit of Support, an employer letter is not required from the petitioner when evidence of previously filed taxes are more than sufficient. If it is not possible to get a letter from your employer as to your current income contact, your attorney or NVC as soon as possible to avoid further delays in your case.

Immigration Consequences of Arrest

January 4, 2016

Immigration Consequences of Arrest

Author: New York Immigration lawyer Alena Shautsova

An arrest occurs when a person is taken into a custody against his/her will for interrogation or search. What constitute an arrest and custody is actually depends on the facts and the occurrences that have been deemed to constitute an arrest have been examined by the judges for a long time.

Sometimes, after an arrest a person is issued a document by the arresting authorities, sometimes it does not happen. Such documents may be a police report, a desk appearance ticket… In other words, sometimes, an arrest results in criminal or administrative charges and sometimes it does not.

The question that I receive often is: should one disclose a fact of arrest that did not result in formal charges? For example, a husband and a wife had a domestic dispute, their neighbors called the police, the couple was brought to the precinct, the wife was let go, but the husband was not. The wife did not have to submit herself for the fingerprint procedure. Does she have to disclose this incident on her citizenship application?

Or, let’s take a different set of facts: young people, whose names are A, B and C, return to their apartment after a party. A decides to do something in public which is not allowed and an officer issues him a ticket. The rest are asked to present proof of their identity. Shall B disclose this fact on his green card application? B was not issued or ticket and was not charged with anything.

And finally, A, B and C are shopping. A security guard suspects that A, B and C committed shoplifting. All three are taken into custody and the police is called. A, B and C are issued desk appearance tickets. During the court hearing, charges against A are dismissed. Shall A disclose this incident during his permanent residency interview?

Let’s see… nowadays most immigration applications and petitions require full disclosure of any arrests and any and all charges, including those resulted in dismissal. Even administrative incidents must be disclosed during the citizenship process: such as stops by Immigration or Customs agents in the airports. An individual who does not disclose a fact of arrest may be charged with committing fraud or misrepresentation in connection with application for Immigration benefits: a charge that requires a hardship waiver or results in finding of lack of good moral character.

It means that almost in all cases an individual has to disclose the arrest, even if subsequently the charges were never brought against the individual. In our first example, the wife will have to disclose the fact that she was brought to the precinct as a suspect , even though the police later realized she was the victim. In the second example, I believe, there was no arrest, even though some might argue that even though B and C who were not issued tickets,  they were not free to leave once an officer asked them to present their IDs. In the third example, A absolutely has to disclose the incident.

Citizenship applicants with arrest history are severely scrutinized on the point of “Good Moral Character.” A dismissal can usually be construed to a misunderstanding between the parties.

In any case of arrest or administrative or criminal charges, an individual who is looking to obtain Immigration benefits such as visa, change of status, permanent residency, citizenship has to consult with an attorney. The Immigration law says that one who admits to committing the elements of the offense (even if the person is not convicted) is deemed to commit and be convicted of the offense under the Immigration law.

Finally, if the person was fingerprinted, and/or the formal charges were brought and later dismissed, this information is FOREVER in the person’s FBI history and will show during the USCIS security checks. So, as a reminder, every applicant has to answers all the questions truthfully, and fully…

Parole After DACA

December 5, 2015

Parole After DACA

Author: New York Immigration lawyer Alena Shautsova

DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a form of prosecutorial discretion that allows a person who came to the US before reaching the age of 16, and who is otherwise eligible, to receive an employment authorization in the United States and  be temporary protected from removal/deportation.

One of the most important benefits of DACA is a possibility of receiving permission to travel outside of the US and  be paroled back into the US. The parole cures illegal entry bar to adjustment of status and hence, those DACA beneficiaries who have a US citizen immediate relative (a spouse, for example)  are able to receive green cards in the US without a waiver, provided they were paroled into the US. This parole requires international travel, and is different from Parole in Place program offered to relatives of the US military members. PIP (Parole in Place) does not require  an international travel.

To receive permission for  international travel, a DACA beneficiary has to file form I 131 and pay an applicable fee. The most important part here, however, is that not any reason for travel is sufficient for USCIS to grant the request. For example, if a person simply would like to go on vacation overseas, this would not qualify as a valid reason. An example of valid reasons would be: to visit a relative in a foreign country; to receive medical treatment; to attend a funeral; other urgent and emergent situations

It is desirable that an applicant confirms the reason with valid documents and an affidavit explaining the need for travel.

It is also possible to expedite request for the advance parole. USCIS has its own criteria for emergent travel.  It is advisable that a person who is seeking to receive an advance parole consults with a legal professional prior to submitting his/her application to avoid delays and denials.

You may submit questions regarding parole through or by calling our office at 917-885-2261.



November 19, 2015


Author: New York Immigration attorney Alena Shautsova

Generally, an  employment authorization should be issued within 90 days of submission of the  complete application package.  An applicant with pending asylum application, should receive an EAD card within 30 days of filing I-765 form. An applicant for adjustment of status, usually receives an EAD within 45 days.

However, often, applicants experience delays.  Delays maybe caused by the processing delays by USCIS, or by the applicant when he/she failed to submit all necessary evidence.

If an EAD application has been pending for more than 75 days, an applicant should call USCIS and inquire about the status of the case, and also make an info pass appointment and go to a local USCIS office.

It should be noted that USCIS does not issue Interim EADs anymore, and somebody without a valid employment authorization cannot accept/continue his/her employment.  A person may file for a renewal of the EAD as soon as 120 days before its expiration.

The EAD clock will be reset if  an applicant failed to attach initial evidence, and will be stopped if an applicant failed to attach evidence requested by USCIS. For example, if an applicant failed to attach initial evidence, and  USCIS informed the applicant about it on the 30th day of the EAD application being pending, the clock will be  reset to 0 once the evidence is received.

The instructions to the EAD application  form and the form itself are available at


November 10, 2015


Author: New York Immigration attorney Alena Shautsova

The devastating earthquake in Nepal   and its consequences affected its citizens all round the world. The U.S. government first announced that Nepali nationals will be able to apply for  TPS status in the U.S..

Now, the DHS announced that F-1 Nepali students will be able to qualify for employment authorization easier: as long as Nepali students would maintain minimum  full course requirement and experience severer economic hardship. Specifically, undergraduate students who receive on-campus or off-campus employment authorization under this notice must remain registered for a minimum of six credit hours of instruction per academic semester. A graduate-level F–1 student who receives on-campus or off-campus employment authorization under this notice must remain registered for a minimum of three credit hours of instruction per academic semester. See 8 CFR 214.2(f)(5)(v).

Other requirements that Nepali student must meet:
(1) An applicant should be a  citizen of Nepal;
(2) An applicant should be lawfully present in the United
States in F–1 nonimmigrant status on April 25, 2015, under section 101(a (15)(F)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(F)(i);
(3) An applicant should be enrolled in a school that is Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-certified for enrollment for F–1 students;
(4) An applicant should be  currently maintaining F–1 status; and
(5) should experience severe economic hardship as a direct result of the damage caused by the earthquake of April 25, 2015.

Those who already hold an employment authorization, will be able to benefit from the new changes as well. These changes will remain in effect (as of now) until December 24, 2016.

For more information, please contact our office at 917-885-2261.


October 19, 2015


Author:   New York Deportation Attorney Alena Shautsova
Cancellation of Removal is an often overlooked form of relief from deportation. It also may be used by someone who has been in the U.S.  for a long time  without inspection or admission to receive a green card in the U.S.  In the last case scenario, a person first would have to ask the U.S. government to place him/her into removal proceedings and only then he/she will have a chance to apply for cancellation.

Cancellation of removal as a form of relief may be of several “kinds” : for permanent residents, for non-permanent residents; for VAWA beneficiaries; for  certain persons covered by  the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act of 1997. Each “kind” requires that certain qualifications be met.

One of the common “features” of this form of relief, is that an applicant has to accumulate  certain amount of time in the U.S. This time usually runs from the person’s entry into the US, and can be stopped not only due to a departure, but due to certain events that have legal consequences. For example: an arrest or commitment of a crime by the applicant or  service of removal/deportation documents.

Since cancellation of removal is a desirable and often the only form of relief an applicant can hope for, there started to develop a body of case law that challenges various limitations and restrictions that might be applied to the applicant. Specifically,  the advocates posed a question of whether a service of deficient on its face notice to appear in removal proceedings may serve as a “stop time” event. For example, quite often a person receives a notice to appear issued by ICE that has “TBD” in place of a date and time of the hearing in Immigration court.  Can such a document, that has been issued but not filed with the court have sufficient legal weight to eliminate one’s chance for cancellation? It is an interesting question, because in practice, such issued notices may rest on shelves for years before they are eventually filed with the court, and the person, subject of such a notice, naturally, would like to the “wait” time to be counted towards the accrual of the necessary period.  (Service of an NTA cuts off the accrual of continuous presence, under a provision known
as the “stop-time” rule. 8 U.S.C. § 1229b(b)(1)(A).)

Unfortunately for the applicants, many Circuit Federal courts held that the Notice to appear served on the applicant does not have to have all the specifics in order to alert the applicant that the government is initiating removal proceedings against him/her, and even an incomplete notice will nevertheless stop the cancellation or removal clock.  See Guaman-Yuqui v. Lynch, 786 F.3d 235, 238–40 (2d Cir. 2015) (per curiam); Gonzalez- Garcia v. Holder, 770 F.3d 431, 433–35 (6th Cir. 2014); Yi Di Wang v. Holder, 759 F.3d 670, 673–75 (7th Cir. 2014); Urbina v. Holder, 745 F.3d 736, 739–40 (4th Cir. 2014).

However, there remain one “loophole” out of this catastrophe. If the government agrees to retract the notice, then the “time” can be saved. However, this requires government cooperation and discretion. The BIA held that a notice to appear (NTA) that was served but never resulted in removal proceedings does not have “stop-time” effect for purposes of establishing eligibility for cancellation of removal pursuant to section 240A(d)(1) of the INA. Matter of Ordaz, 26 I&N Dec. 637 (BIA 2015).